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No respite for Ontario patients: new report says five times more hospital beds needed than planned by Ford government
New analysis shows province faces a 13,800 shortfall of hospital beds by 2032
Ontario is experiencing unprecedented hospital capacityproblems since the election of the Ford government. Thousandsof unplanned closures of...
“An appalling failure to plan:” new research report to reveal huge shortfall between the hospital capacity required by 2032 and the Ford government’s ten-year plan
Media conference at Queen’s Park at 10 a.m. on September 4 to reveal full findings
CMAJ study showing lower income people have less access to for-profit cataract surgeries must force a reconsideration of policy, says hospital union
In response to new research showing that wealthy Ontarians are disproportionately benefiting from for-profit clinics, CUPE’s Ontario Council of Hospital Unions is demanding the province halt public funding for private surgeries and invest in cataracts provided by public hospitals.
Intro to the Central Hospital Agreement
Are you attending the September 4-5 educational? Contact to register.
“Premier’s callous response to hospital crisis stark contrast to the suffering of patients and staff:” says OCHU/CUPE at launch of new peer-reviewed study heralding warning for Ontario
The Premier’s recent comments in the media shows “a callous attitude” towards the hospital crisis, where overcrowding has increased by 30 percent since 2018, said Michael Hurley, president of CUPE’s Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU-CUPE), referring to Doug Ford’s gaffe about overflow patients having the option of receiving treatment at a new veterinary hospital.
Founded in 1982, the 40,000 member Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE is the hospital division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees in Ontario.
We represent hospital service workers, registered practical nurses, housekeeping, trades, clerical staff, and ambulance and paramedical personnel.
OCHU/CUPE bargains a provincial collective agreement for these CUPE Ontario members with the Ontario Hospital Association and lays that pattern down across the hospital sector and long-term care facilities that have a relationship with a hospital.
We also carry out advocacy on behalf of our members and on behalf of hospital patients and long-term care residents across Ontario.
OCHU/CUPE is an active partner with the Ontario Healthcare Coalition and works closely with the Ontario Healthcare Coalition whenever community health services are threatened with cuts or privatization.
registered practical nurses
ambulance and paramedical
This month in labour history
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