Ontario’s health care crisis is deepening. Hospital workers, health care advocates, and community supporters are opposing the elimination of hundreds of positions—cuts at a hospital that is already understaffed – that will increase patient wait times and affect the quality of care at Unity Health Toronto.


Send an email to Preimier Ford to ask for more funding for Unity Health Toronto to stop the cuts. Click the following link to share your request:

You can also email with a message to fund UTH, for example: Dear Premier Ford, Congratulations on your re-election. Unity Health Toronto, whose hospitals play a vital role in delivering acute care hospital services, has a $60 million deficit because demand for its services is much greater than the funding it receives from the province. Hundreds of positions are at risk of elimination as a result – positions that are vital to providing safe, high quality patient care. I would appreciate it if you would provide the funding to stop these cuts. Yours sincerely,
The hospital funding policy of the Ford government is letting down communities across the province. 250,000 people are on surgical wait lists.1,850 are on stretchers at hospitals every single day. ERs are closing routinely. Hospital staff won’t accept this for the people of Ontario. Sharon Richer, Secretary-Treasurer of OCHU

These job cuts will have a devastating impact. This hospital plays a vital role in Toronto, and it is downsizing significantly at a time when demand for its services is surging. The Ford government’s continued underfunding is pushing Ontario’s hospitals past the breaking point, and the impact can be measured in the suffering of patients and those who love them. Michael Hurley, president of OCHU/CUPE