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Workers at Sault Ste. Marie Group Health Centre need real wage increase, or centre risks losing even more staff
Front-line workers at the Group Health Centre in Sault Ste. Marie say they desperately need a real wage increase if the health centre doesn’t want to lose more staff. In January, the Group Health Centre announced that eight physicians would be leaving the centre at the end of May, leaving 10,000 patients in the area without a family doctor.
Health administrators deliver supermajority petition to Carefor demanding better treatment
There is a network of nurses and personal support workers doing hundreds of in-home healthcare visits to seniors across eastern Ontario every day. It appears seamless, except the infrastructure behind that network – the 70 health administrators who schedule visits, book appointments, manage sick calls and more – is cracking.
Hospital workers protest “cuts and chaos” at Lakeridge Health
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOSHAWA, ON – CUPE 6364 workers at Lakeridge Health rallied in Oshawa today, protesting “cuts and chaos” in response to...
“Ford’s attack on women’s wages”: new report shows real dollar wage cuts in public sector have widened gender pay gap in Ontario
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETORONTO – In just six years, the average wages earned by workers in the female-dominated sectors of health care, education and...
Founded in 1982, the 40,000 member Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE is the hospital division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees in Ontario.
We represent hospital service workers, registered practical nurses, housekeeping, trades, clerical staff, and ambulance and paramedical personnel.
OCHU/CUPE bargains a provincial collective agreement for these CUPE Ontario members with the Ontario Hospital Association and lays that pattern down across the hospital sector and long-term care facilities that have a relationship with a hospital.
We also carry out advocacy on behalf of our members and on behalf of hospital patients and long-term care residents across Ontario.
OCHU/CUPE is an active partner with the Ontario Healthcare Coalition and works closely with the Ontario Healthcare Coalition whenever community health services are threatened with cuts or privatization.
registered practical nurses
ambulance and paramedical
Union Leaders Jailed in the 1980s
Unionized public employees continually strugglefor rights other workers take for granted. In the 1980s the presidents of three public sector unions were sent to jail by governments because their members went on strike. CUPE President, Grace Hartman, and Ontario Division President, Lucy Nicholson, were sentenced to 45 days for the 1981 wildcat strike by Ontario hospital workers. Sean Flynn, President of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, was sentenced to 35 days for supporting his members
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