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North Bay requires 90 extra hospital beds and 490 additional staff to meet demand over next four years, says new report on province’s hospital crisis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEA new analysis warns of a deeper crisis if the Ford government sticks to its woefully insufficient plan and does not invest in...
Cornwall requires 35 extra hospital beds and 230 additional staff to meet demand over next four years, says new report on province’s hospital crisis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEA new analysis warns of a deeper crisis if the Ford government sticks to its woefully insufficient plan and does not invest in...
Waterloo Region hospitals require 167 extra beds and 1,030 additional staff to meet demand over next four years, says new report on province’s hospital crisis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEA new analysis warns of a deeper crisis if the Ford government sticks to its woefully insufficient plan and does not invest in...
London hospitals require 343 more beds and 3,094 additional staff to meet demand over next four years, says new report on province’s hospital crisis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEA new analysis warns of a deeper crisis if the Ford government sticks to its woefully insufficient plan and does not invest in...
Patient care will worsen in Hamilton hospitals unless Ford government reverses course on staffing and capacity issues, says new report on province’s hospital crisis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEHamilton hospitals must increase staffing and capacity by 22 per cent each to meet patient needs, in sharp contrast to the...
Patient care will worsen in Niagara hospitals unless Ford government reverses course on staffing and capacity issues, says new report on province’s hospital crisis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENiagara hospitals must increase staffing and capacity by 22 per cent each to meet patient needs, in sharp contrast to the...
Founded in 1982, the 40,000 member Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE is the hospital division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees in Ontario.
We represent hospital service workers, registered practical nurses, housekeeping, trades, clerical staff, and ambulance and paramedical personnel.
OCHU/CUPE bargains a provincial collective agreement for these CUPE Ontario members with the Ontario Hospital Association and lays that pattern down across the hospital sector and long-term care facilities that have a relationship with a hospital.
We also carry out advocacy on behalf of our members and on behalf of hospital patients and long-term care residents across Ontario.
OCHU/CUPE is an active partner with the Ontario Healthcare Coalition and works closely with the Ontario Healthcare Coalition whenever community health services are threatened with cuts or privatization.
registered practical nurses
ambulance and paramedical
Union Leaders Jailed in the 1980s
Unionized public employees continually strugglefor rights other workers take for granted. In the 1980s the presidents of three public sector unions were sent to jail by governments because their members went on strike. CUPE President, Grace Hartman, and Ontario Division President, Lucy Nicholson, were sentenced to 45 days for the 1981 wildcat strike by Ontario hospital workers. Sean Flynn, President of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, was sentenced to 35 days for supporting his members
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