
La violence à l’encontre du personnel de santé est importante et continue. Le CSHO se bat pour mettre fin à cette violence en travaillant avec les chercheur(-euse)s, les décideur(-euse)s politiques, la direction et les membres.

Recherche et documents

Veuillez envoyer un courriel à admin@ochu.on.ca pour obtenir les fichiers Word.

datetopic DOWNLOAD FR
June 18, 2019Violence Facing Health Care Workers in Canada DOWNLOAD
June 6, 2019Testimony to Parliamentary Health Committee – Meeting #151 VIEW
May 8, 2019Speaking Out About Workplace Violence and Workplace Harassment Act, 2019 DOWNLOAD
May 8, 2019Bill 111 DOWNLOAD
March 26, 2019Breaking Point: Violence Against Long-Term Care Staff DOWNLOAD EN
March 26, 2019Breaking Point: Violence Against Long-Term Care Staff DOWNLOAD FR
November 27, 2017Assaulted and Unheard – Violence Against Healthcare Staff DOWNLOAD
October 9, 2017Voices: Hospital Workers talk about violence in the workplace DOWNLOAD EN
October 9, 2017Voices: Hospital Workers talk about violence in the workplace DOWNLOAD FR